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Photo of Artemio Morales Hintze Mexico

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Artemio Morales Hintze Sculptor Curriculum vitae

Born in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico on December 10, 1968

Roman "> A graduate of the Bachelor of sculpture by the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving" La Esmeralda ", National...

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Artemio Morales Hintze Sculptor Curriculum vitae

Born in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico on December 10, 1968

Roman "> A graduate of the Bachelor of sculpture by the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving" La Esmeralda ", National Institute of Fine Arts in 1998.

1997 takes the pottery workshop "From Banff and Beyond", by the Maestro. Ed Bamilling in ENPEG / CNA.

Sculpture symposium in wood:

August 2007: International Inami Wooden Sculpture Camp '07 in Nanto City, Japan, Toyama Prefecture

Individual exhibitions:
  • November 2003 Raquel Tibol gallery at UVM, Sn. Rafael Barro song in three acts
  • In May 2000 Gallery "La Masmédula" Mountains
  • 36.0pt "> 1998 Gallery ENPEG In" La Esmeralda "CNA Sonora Form
  • 1996 The House of Culture "The Pyramid" The Color of Blood
  • 1988 In three campuses of the College of Bachelors Take a path and visit a dream
Exhibitions: size = "3">
  • August 2004 Atrium Gallery in the Cultural Area Corpus
  • June 2003 In the exhibition hall of the IMSS Stained Fire Trembling
  • December 2002 In wet clay flower Jardinarq
  • December 2002 Annual Exhibition Into Oblivion
  • 2000 in Monterrey, Nuevo León 3 ª Bienal Monterrey
  • 1999 In "Alternative Space" on CNA ENPEG
  • 1997 In Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, in the planetary three Alfa Exchange
  • 1996 In Monterrey, Nuevo León, The Alfa planetary 1 st Biennial of Art in Ceramics
  • June 1994 In the Gallery ENPEG "La Esmeralda" (Sn Fernando 14) The Last and We Come
  • In January 1993 ENPEG gallery "La Esmeralda" (St. Ferdinand 14) Epiphany
  • 1993 In the visual dialogue IPN
  • 1992 In the Asturian Center Angels and Demons
  • 1991 In the house of culture "Alfonso Reyes" Terra Cota ...
  • 1989 In Milan, Italy, on the wall
  • ENPEG 1989 In the "La Esmeralda" (Sn Fernando 14) General Exhibition
  • 1988 In the ENPEG "The Esmeralda (Sn Fernando 14) General Exhibition
  • In the College of Bachelors 6, 1983 a1988 exhibitions
Acknowledgements: Honorable Mention in the discipline of sculpture at the Third Biennial Monterrey Teaching:
  • 2008 tutorials taught sculpture.
  • 2002-October 2005 Atrium academic director of cultural space for the disciplines of visual arts, where she also teaches workshops in sculpture and wood carving, since March 2002.
  • August 2003 Associate Professor of Facial Expression course in the General Hospital "Dr. Manuel Gea González ", Center Academic Continuing Medical Education, UNAM, Faculty of Medicine.
  • 2002 - 2004 teaches seminars on human figure, portrait for ceramic sculpture and body expression in sculpture, ceramics workshop in "The Forgotten" in Mexico City
  • 1999 teaches a wood carving workshop for Chiefs Executive Organization.
  • 1999 to 2001 he teaches sculpture and woodcarving at the Academy of Visual Arts "Arteum."
Related activities:
  • 1997-98 worked for the departments of sculpture for the Twenty Century Fox, and Churubusco Studios in film productions, "The Mask of Zorro", "Perdita Durango" and "Children of the Wind."

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